Wow. I'm not sure what else to say after watching this video. How can anyone refuse to give care to a living breathing baby? How can a DOCTOR strangle a baby that had been born alive? How can Obama stand behind his decision not to give care to these precious infants? I'm kinda sick to my stomach right now. I'm sorry, I could care less about the health of the mother once that baby has parted with her body. If there is even a slim change that baby could be saved after an attempted abortion that should take precedent over anything else. May God forgive these men and women who participate in this. I thought that was part of the Hippocratic Oath all doctors have to profess is "Do No Harm". Just because a fetus (or infant once its outside of his mothers body) can't tell anyone "this hurts or it burns" that doesn't mean it can't feel just like you and me. Babies can hear and feel touch inside the womb, ask anyone that been pregnant before.
I'll admit it. Up until recently I've been a wimp as far as looking at pictures or watching videos like this because I was too afraid of what I would see. Well, it confirmed all of the horrible ideas I had running through my mind. I've been incredibly blessed to have my children. I don't understand why these women don't feel the same way about someone that is part of them. Even if there are horrible circumstances behind the pregnancy, that isn't the child's fault. There are so many women who would love to be able to carry a child of their own but can't and to see just makes me wonder why these partial birth/late term abortions are still being allowed.