Well....its not like we are going to go out and live it up today.  Times are rough and having 4 young children, its usually not easy to find a babysitter!  :)  I just want to reflect on the time we've spent together which is 10 years total.  10 years.  That is amazing to me!  If you asked me that when we were first dating if this is where I saw myself I would have said you were nuts!  Sure James was cute and all but I didn't know if we had what it took to stay together this long.  Sometimes I still don't but that is more of a idea in the back of my head when I am angry or annoyed at something more than anything.  I can't imagine my life without him now.  It has taken me a long time to admit this to myself but I truly and deeply love that man.  Why is that hard for me?  I'm too independent for my own good and that has always been a sore spot for my husband.  So much so that after all this time I still haven't changed my last name!  I just never thought that Monica Mills rolled off the tongue well but I think that I will change it within the next year or so.  I guess Monica Gamez-Mills wouldn't be too bad.  ;)

Marriage has changed me that's for sure.  It might not be obvious to anyone that has met me since I've been married but if you ask any of my old friends that knew me from before, I'm sure that they can agree.  I've always like to get my way but I'm much more open to compromise now.  That's what a good marriage is all about I think.  You can't be so intertwined that you can't tell one person from the other but you can't be so independent that bending a little isn't a option for you.  How boring would it be to with someone exactly like yourself 24/7?  On the other hand, who wants to fight and argue all the time?  Neither can be very fun. 

So I am going to take today to give thanks for all of the blessings I've had in my life so far, mainly finding a good man to share my life with and raise children together.  I've also made a pledge to myself to tell him more often that I love him since I've haven't always been good at that in the past.  Is my life perfect?  Far from it but my imperfect life will do me just fine! 

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