But I thought I would post it on a seperate entry. My "Mufasa" as I lovingly call my hair, will be gone when I head up north. James keeps threatening divorce if I hack it off but oh well. He doesn't have to deal with it everyday and I have gotten to the point of no return. Long hair is nice and all but at my age, I just have to give up the ghost. I don't want to have super short hair because honestly, it doesn't look that good on me but I want a good 10 or 12 inches gone.

I'm going to take before and after shots so that should be fun. I don't think I'm going to color it because I'm not one for high maintenance on my hair. I'm more of a wash and go type of girl. I own a hair dryer and curling iron but I don't think I've used either of them this year. And its what June? Yeah...I just want a nice cut that I can also pull back if I need to.

Oh for the people that don't know. My hair is at the top of my butt right now. I don't think I've ever had it that long. It grew like crazy when I was preggers and I just got lazy and let it keep growing.

Alright...I guess I will sign off but hopefully I will be posting new pics soon!

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